
Used by
Complex Type StorageRuleType
Namespace org:afnor:medona:1.0
End of Storage starts when all Retention Durations are over.
                Retention durations are described as Start date and a rule.
                RefFinalActionRule refers to a Rule expressing the reason and the final action: 
                durée de stockage (conservation) : Acces Réservé / Transférer(Réversibilité) / Copier
                If the system is an intermediary system (front of another EAS), Transfer means transferring the archive to another EAS, Copy means transfer without destruction, Restricted access means the access will be limited FROM this period (authorized session only).
                (concerns a full archive item - Storage AIP - or one View of a SAIP)

                Ceci devrait être une DUA Courante (avant versement dans un SAE intermédiaire).
                Storage: vient de la traduction dans la directive informatique et liberté de durée de conservation au sens CNIL.
Diagram descriptive-vitam_xsd_Complex_Type_ConstraintRuleIdType.tmp#ConstraintRuleIdType_Rule descriptive-vitam_xsd_Element_Group_NegateRuleIdGroup.tmp#NegateRuleIdGroup_PreventInheritance descriptive-vitam_xsd_Element_Group_NegateRuleIdGroup.tmp#NegateRuleIdGroup_RefNonRuleId descriptive-vitam_xsd_Element_Group_NegateRuleIdGroup.tmp#NegateRuleIdGroup descriptive-vitam_xsd_Complex_Type_ConstraintRuleIdType.tmp#ConstraintRuleIdType descriptive-vitam_xsd_Complex_Type_GeneralRetentionRuleType.tmp#GeneralRetentionRuleType_FinalActionCode descriptive-vitam_xsd_Complex_Type_GeneralRetentionRuleType.tmp#GeneralRetentionRuleType_NeedAuthorization descriptive-vitam_xsd_Complex_Type_GeneralRetentionRuleType.tmp#GeneralRetentionRuleType
Type extension of GeneralRetentionRuleType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Children FinalActionCode, NeedAuthorization, PreventInheritance, RefNonRuleId, Rule
<xsd:complexType name="StorageRuleType">
    <xsd:documentation>End of Storage starts when all Retention Durations are over. Retention durations are described as Start date and a rule. RefFinalActionRule refers to a Rule expressing the reason and the final action: durée de stockage (conservation) : Acces Réservé / Transférer(Réversibilité) / Copier If the system is an intermediary system (front of another EAS), Transfer means transferring the archive to another EAS, Copy means transfer without destruction, Restricted access means the access will be limited FROM this period (authorized session only). (concerns a full archive item - Storage AIP - or one View of a SAIP) Ceci devrait être une DUA Courante (avant versement dans un SAE intermédiaire). Storage: vient de la traduction dans la directive informatique et liberté de durée de conservation au sens CNIL.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:extension base="GeneralRetentionRuleType"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/bregier/Documents/OxygenXMLEditor/Vitam-Schema/Seda2.0/descriptive-vitam.xsd